Gardening, Parties, Blue Bamboo
Gardening, Parties, Blue Bamboo
To many, the clippings found on the floor of Salon Bellezza (3355 Plymouth Blvd. Ste. 160; 763.559.9661) look like ordinary hair. But in fact, it’s much more than that—this hair is life-saving.
It’s that time of year again, when the sun begins to shine, the birds begin to chirp and people begin to party.
Located on the border of Plymouth and Wayzata near the bank of quaint Gleason Lake, you’ll find the home of Heidi and Dan Heiland.
Get worlds away from Tax Day this year at Wayzata High School’s third annual Festival of Nations.
Common wisdom tells us we’d all be better off eating breakfast every day. For early risers, that might mean a simple morning special like eggs, toast and hash browns, eaten as the rooster crows. Guess what? We’ve got a café recommendation for that.
A quilt is more than just a warm blanket to snuggle with or a colorful accent for the guest bedroom. For many of us, a quilt has fond memories woven within the threads. Maybe your quilt has been passed down from generation to generation until it finally landed in your closet.
Suburbia gets a bad rap for mass-produced houses and carbon-copy neighborhoods. Where’s the personality, the differentiation in design? One Plymouth family found those answers and more on their quest for a newly designed kitchen, one that was more functional for their house.
Everyone remembers his or her first bike. Whether it was a Huffy lime green number with a banana seat and pink floral basket or a stylish Schwinn, there’s just something about that first taste of bi-wheeled freedom that remains permanently tucked away in our humming hippocampus.
Mary Anderson was serendipitously at a lunch table when the future of Wayzata School District’s food program inspiration struck.
Only 50 students from hundreds of applicants across the nation attend the annual First Tee championship in Orlando, Fla., and this year Totino-Grace sophomore (and Plymouth resident) Austin Peters holds that honor.
If you’ve got gardening on the brain, Otten Bros. can stock you up on all your spring seed material desires, like organic specialty vegetables, flowers and soils.